About Us
Our world makes use of new technologies every day and computer science is a key ingredient that has made this possible. Now there’s an issue, it is dominated by certain people. Not a lot of young girls, especially girls from minority groups have taken an interest in computer science not because they aren’t smart enough but because of lack of opportunity, terrible history of women in the field, current bias in the field and so much more.
But that’s why While She is True was made. While She is True is a non-profit that is dedicated to educating, empowering and encouraging young girls to explore a career in computer science. Our approach is three fold with the first being education. This involves teaching our students the core principles of computer science. All our tutors are volunteers that have had training in Computer science in languages like Java, Python, JavaScript. With a step by step systematic approach we will teach the basic computer principles and ensure your child is guided all the way through.
Secondly we provide resources such as laptops and other tech hardware in order to break any barriers that wouldn’t allow them to have the right technology to use and grow in the computer science space. Lastly, we provide our girls with mentors which enables them to have people they can relate with in the field.
Yes if you are a parent or guardian to a young girl that has taken interest in things like gaming, website development, mathematics, graphic design and other computer science related skills this is the place to enroll your daughter. We work to ensure that there is opportunity provided to young girls to go in and rule this male dominated field. So what are you waiting for? Register now and let’s ensure that while she is true she can accomplish anything!
Interested in donating?
Thank you for being willing to give to our cause. You can contact us for more information at whileshetrue@gmail.com.